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Advocacy & Leadership Program

Let's Grow Together: Information on the

MPAC Advocacy & Leadership, MPAC ALP & Peer Navigator Program 

for more information, contact: 

MPAC Advocacy & Leadership Program endeavors to identify and train grassroots leaders to lead, organize, and advocate for the recovery community. 



The MPAC Advocacy & Leadership Program, MPAC ALP, is geared to provide educational, advocacy, and leadership training for individuals, allies, families, community members, and recovery supporters. 

The MPAC ALP Program includes all approved Maryland Addiction and Behavioral-health Professional Certification Board (MABPCB) training toward the Maryland Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) credentialing, specific advocacy and leadership courses, application navigation, supervision, technical support, workshops, projects, and assignments.

If you are interested in learning more about the
MPAC Advocacy & Leadership Program, please click the button below

Celebrating MPAC ALP Cohort XI 

Abstract Surface
MPAC ALP Cohort XI_edited.jpg

MPAC ALP Peer Navigator Program

For all program inquiries, contact 


Peer Navigator Program


The Certified Peer Recovery Specialists and Peer Trainees serve as role models and provide a safe, non-judgmental space that promotes overall wellness in partnership with Healing City Baltimore and Enoch Pratt Free Library. 


About the Peers

The Certified Peer Recovery Specialists, Registered Peer Supervisors, and Peer Interns are individuals who have firsthand experience, either personally or through a loved one, in navigating substance, mental, or behavioral health challenges and recovery.


The program is staffed with a Maryland Certified Peer Recovery Specialist and Registered Peer Supervisor. Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (s) and Peer Navigator Trainees. Peer Trainees are gaining the essential experience and training to become Certified Peer Recovery Specialists, facilitated through this collaborative partnership program.


The Certified Peer Recovery Specialists, Registered Peer Supervisors, and Peer Navigator Trainees are pivotal in guiding and assisting community members throughout their recovery journey. They provide practical and emotional support, serving as role models for recovery. By connecting individuals to community resources, they promote overall wellness. Whether a person is seeking entry into a treatment center, processing the impact of with trauma, or in need of support on how to support loved ones in recovery, these Peer professionals are readily available to offer support and guidance.


Program History

The Peer Navigator Program began as a pilot program at the Pennsylvania Avenue Branch through a partnership with the Maryland Peer Advisory Council, in which Peer Recovery Specialists provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for community members seeking support and serve as role models for recovery.


Following the pilot’s demonstrated success and supported by a generous grant from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, the Pratt Library is continuing the partnership with the Maryland Peer Advisory Council and has introduced additional cohorts of Trainees, who will be available at multiple branch locations. Please see the schedule below for more information.

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