MPAC Resource Hub
Empowering Advocacy and Recovery: Explore MPAC's Comprehensive Resource Hub for resources, information, and support.
To view a resource in more detail hover and click the text.
The Recovery Bill of Rights
211 Maryland Need Help Dial 2-1-1
Hey Peers!
Call 988
Here2Help Hotline
Stand Up for Recovery
Peer Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
Problem Gambling?
Shelter List State of Maryland
Maryland Food Bank
Health Insurance
Maryland Peer Recovery Specialist Certification, Endorsements & Training
Behavioral Health Administration (BHA)
The Office of Consumer Affairs maintains an email listing of Peer Recovery Specialist and PRS Supervisors who are requesting information related to providing Recovery Support Services.
To be added to the email list, please contact Adelaide Weber via email at Adelaide.Weber@maryland.gov
Naloxone Overdose Prevention
Naloxone-a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent overdose by opioids such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone. It blocks opioid receptor sites, reversing the toxic effects of the overdose. Naloxone is administered when a patient is showing signs of opioid overdose. The medication can be given by intranasal spray, intramuscular (into the muscle), subcutaneous (under the skin), or intravenous injection.
Charm Online Resources
Charmcare is a free online resource guide that you can use to search for free or reduced-cost programs and services in Baltimore City to help meet your needs. The directory has information for resources that can help with needs like food, housing, transportation, utilities, employment, education, mental healthcare, and substance use care.
AA Meetings
Smart Recovery & Smart to Family Meetings
Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of mutual-support groups.
At meetings, participants help one another resolve problems with any addiction to (drugs, or alcohol or
to activities such as gambling or over-eating). Participants find and develop the power within themselves to change, lead fulfilling and balanced lives guided by our science-based
and sensible 4-Point Program®.
The Nar-Anon Family Groups is primarily for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to them. The programs are not religion-based but founded on a 12-step, spiritual way of life (nar-anon.org).
Narateen is for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else's drug use.
Al Anon is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking. By sharing common experiences and applying the Al-Anon principles, families and friends of alcoholics can bring positive changes to their individual situations, whether the alcoholic admits the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.
NA Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other handiwork together to help each other stay away from drugs usage and lead a healthy life.
Grief Recovery After Substance use Passing
Grief Support for Adult, Children and
Family Support Roberta House
Roberta's House is a safe place where children, teens and adults discover that they are not alone in their grief. Children with their families share their feelings, memories and experiences
in an atmosphere of acceptance with the love and support of trained volunteers.
Grief Camp for Kids
Camp Erin a bereavement camp designed for children ages 6 -17.
Camp Erin bends the familiar environment of a fun-filled, high energy overnight camp with grief counseling, education and emotional support. Through Camp Erin,
children and teens with similar grief experience can meet, make lasting friendships, and become camp buddies.
Emotional Support & CRISIS LINE
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
National Suicide Prevention Life LGBTQ Youth Trevor Lifeline
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. If you or a young (LGBTQ) person you care about is experiencing a crisis, please call the Trevor Lifeline.
The call is free and confidential.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a horrible crime that continues to exist in Maryland and affects all parts of the State. Three major airports, inexpensive bus transportation, train service along the east coast, large sporting events and disposable income makes Maryland an attractive destination for traffickers.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Sex Trafficking Survivors Resource Guide
The Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault is the federally recognized state sexual assault coalition. It's core membership is the 17-state rape crisis and recovery centers. Our mission is to help prevent sexual assault, advocate for accessible, compassionate care for survivors of sexual violence, and work to hold offenders accountable.
Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
National - Vinelink
VINE, America's number one victim notification network. VINE has been providing victims and concerned citizens with the power of information for decades, allowing these individuals to have the sense of security that they deserve, VINELink can be assessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the most reliable information for custody status changes and criminal case information.
Vote Recovery
In collaboration with the Recovery Advocacy Program, MPAC's goal provide awareness and register individuals and families in recovery to register and vote- MPAC has peer-trained voter register
National Organizations
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence of Maryland (NCADD-MD)
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of Maryland (NCADD-MD) focuses on raising public awareness and sensitivity on the issue of alcoholism and drug dependence in Maryland through sustaining a campaign of education, information-dissemination and public policy advocacy to ensure persons affected by the disease of addiction, and their families, have access to resources, support systems and services critical in accessing treatment and sustaining recovery.
Faces & Voices of Recovery
Faces and Voices of Recovery are experienced, dedicated professionals who carry out the mission and programs of the organization. They bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the work they do. As a recovery community organization (RCO), we value having the majority, if not all, of our staff identifying as individuals in long-term recovery from alcohol and/or other drug addiction.
National Alliance on Mental illness (NAMI)
NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI organization operates at the national, site and local level.
Mental Association of Maryland
Mental Health Association of Maryland has addressed the mental health of Marylanders of all ages through programs that educate the public to increase understanding and provide resources, advance public policy to improve care and outcomes, and monitor the quality of services received by individuals living with mental illness and substance use disorders.
On Our Own Maryland
On Our Own of Maryland is a statewide peer-operated behavioral advocacy and education organization.
We work with service providers, peers, and professional and community organizations to ensure that services and systems are trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and recovery-oriented by reducing stigmatizing practices and expanding consumer involvement in mental health and substance use policy and planning at local, state, and national levels.
National Council for Behavioral Health
​National Council for Behavioral Health is the unifying voice of America’s health care organizations that deliver mental health and addictions treatment and services. Together with our 3,326 member organizations serving over 10 million adults, children and families living with mental illnesses and addictions, the National Council is committed to all Americans having access to comprehensive, high-quality care that affords every opportunity for recovery. The National Council introduced Mental Health First Aid USA and more than 2 million Americans have been trained.
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
at 1-800-799-SAFE(that 1-800-799-7233) 24 hours a day.
Their TTY number for hearing-impaired persons is
You can also chat with the hotline online at
Baltimore Local Behavioral Health Authority
Behavioral Health System Baltimore (BHSB) Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc. is a nonprofit organization established by Baltimore City to perform the function of
managing Baltimore City's behavioral health system- the system of care that addresses emotional health and well-being and provides services for individuals with substance use
and mental health disorders. We help guide innovative approaches to
prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery for those who are dealing with mental health and substance use disorders to help build
healthier individuals, stronger families and safer communities.
Charm City Connection
CCCC was formed to improve the health of Baltimore's residents and to increase future healthcare providers' awareness of challenges that
underserved communities face. We aim to strengthen our community and
empower Baltimore's poorest families through lasting relationships that promote health and wellness.
Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition
Founded in 2011, Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition (BHRC) is a community-based organization that mobilizes community for the health, dignity and safety of people targeted by the ware on drugs and anti sex-worker policies; we advocate for harm reduction as a part of a broader movement for social justice.
"Together we can make a difference." MPAC